A true visionary entrepreneur dares to create things from nothing, the one who sees possibilities where others see obstacles and difficulties the one who makes things happen and has the belief and conviction to carry out everything he undertakes. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the entrepreneur's personality, his attitudes, and his character to make his business plan.

Starting a company is very easy, making it large, profitable, and viable over time is something else.

Companies are created from the level of consciousness of wealth or poverty of the person who undertakes, that is why many microenterprises are created from the level of poverty and very few companies from the level of wealth.

It is necessary to create a mentality or state of consciousness of abundance and wealth in the entrepreneur, encourage the development of his managerial personality, and leadership, and have the determination to be an entrepreneur, with enthusiasm to put all the energy into the idea, the creativity to realize it. and make it disruptive.



      A true visionary entrepreneur dares to create things from nothing, the one who sees possibilities where others see obstacles and difficulties the one who makes things happen and has the belief and conviction to carry out everything he undertakes. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the entrepreneur's personality, his attitudes, and his character to make his business plan.

      Starting a company is very easy, making it large, profitable, and viable over time is something else.

      Companies are created from the level of consciousness of wealth or poverty of the person who undertakes, that is why many microenterprises are created from the level of poverty and very few companies from the level of wealth.

      It is necessary to create a mentality or state of consciousness of abundance and wealth in the entrepreneur, encourage the development of his managerial personality, and leadership, and have the determination to be an entrepreneur, with enthusiasm to put all the energy into the idea, the creativity to realize it. and make it disruptive.



      • Stimulate the imagination to develop new products and create execution strategies.
      • Lead new business proposals, with innovation and technological advances.
      • Make business decisions. Learn to manage times of crisis in the company.
      • Innovate in the formulation and evaluation of business models.
      • Train lead and grow a business team.
      • Create and develop a business or entrepreneurship idea, aligned with your life project.
      • Restore companies and get them out of stagnation by rethinking a new approach.
      • Apply for financing to launch a new company.


      • ENT6041 Entrepreneurial Mindset 3
      • ENT6042 Avoid traps in entrepreneurship 3
      • ENT6043 New product development 3
      • ENT6044 Technology development and implementation 3
      • ENT6045 Operations Management 3
      • ENT6046 Leading effective teams 3
      • ENT6047 Advanced Analytics for Entrepreneurs 3
      • ENT6048 Sales Management 3
      • ENT6049 Innovation and Sustainability 3
      • ENT6050 Finance for Entrepreneurs 3
      • ENT6051 Entrepreneurs Law 3

      Degree Offered:

      Master of Science in Entrepreneurship


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